

Registration Q&A:

My child is currently enrolled in a dolphins or bears class. How do I register?

Our dolphins and bears classes require a coach recommendation. This ensures that all students in this class are at the correct skill level for the best and safest experience for our students and coaches. If your student was already enrolled in a Dolphins or Bears class during our 2023-2024 season, please email the office with your requested day and time. You will not be able to enroll online - you will receive an error message.

What if the class I would like to register for is full?

If a class appears in red when going to register, all spots in that class have been taken. By clicking on the class however, you are able to add your student to the waitlist for that class. When a spot opens up in that class, we will email letting you know. If we don’t hear back from you within 3 business days we will move onto the next person on the waitlist. You can be added to as many waitlists as you would like. If a class is full and you would like to trial the class, you must be put on the waitlist and trial once a spot has opened.

How do I know when my child is ready to be moved up?

Our coaches are trained to evaluate each student during each class and your child’s coach will alert you when they have met each requirement for the next level. The requirements for each level can be found on the bulletin board to the left of the stairs. You will be provided a move-up slip which can be emailed or brought to the front desk to enroll in the next level class.

My child's birthday is in the middle of a cycle, which age group should we enroll in?

  • If your student is enrolled in a Hummingbirds or Lizards class and is turning 5, you should enroll them in a Butterflies or Frogs class. If your student is enrolled in a Butterflies or Frogs class and is turning 6, you should enroll them in a Bunnies or Squirrels class. If your student is in a 6-8 Bunnies/Flamingos/Dolphins or Squirrels class and is turning 9, you should enroll them in a 9-11 yr old class of the same level.

    1. If all classes are full, your student will stay enrolled in the current class and sign up for the waitlist of the next class.

Why are Flamingo and Dolphins Classes 1 hour and 15 minutes?

We made adjustments to our schedule so that Flamingos and Dolphins have 15 minutes of stretch/basics at the beginning of each class with 1 hour of event work. This will help our students hone their skills and create more mobility in our program.

Do you offer 2x per week classes?

Yes, this year we will be offering 2x per week classes for Flamingos through Bears.

What do the colors mean?

We will be organizing our schedule by color and by animal. Ex: Red Bunnies will be at 4:30 and Blue Bunnies will be at 5:00. The color only indicates time, not level. Y = YELLOW / G = GREEN / O = ORANGE / R= RED.


Do you need dance class recommendations?

Please email our dance secretary, Amber, directly for help -

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